Monday, October 27, 2008

Fiefdoms Update (Part 2)

Well I decided for the sake of my sanity, plus not really being sure I liked the ranger models, that I would use some of my Ranger of Middle Earth as Ranger of Gondor. This saved me time as they were already painted so I was able to focus instead on my Dol Amroth models.

Overall I think my converted figures turned out well. My Captain has a very dynamic pose as if sending a challenge, or maybe issuing the command to start a charge. In any case, his paint job turned out well, and I am happy with him.

My other converted figure was the Banner Carrier for Dol Amroth. I chose to use a Men-at-arms model. First because I didn't want to give up a Knight, and second, because the pike it comes with screams to be made into a banner.

I also completed all the work on my Men-at-arms models and my Knights on foot. This included finishing the paint jobs and completing all the bases to fit my base scheme for my army.

I also finished the bases for my mounted knights, but I neglected to take new pictures of them. Maybe I will get those done when I work on their display for the GiTD GT in February. Till then, here is the final pictures of my completed 350pt Primer army.



Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

They look nice and I love the display board.

Have you any how to pics on making the thing?

jlong05 said...

You know. I never actually thought to take pics of creating my display board. I actually have another to use for when I expand the army to 600pts. I need to find space for 6 mounted Knights.

I think I may make a second display for it and use additional models that are not in my list but are representative of the actual army. When I do that I will get pics for that.